Utility Consultants provides multi-disiplinary advice simply because most clients' businesses involve ... well more than one disipline. This reflects the highly inter-twined nature of utility and infrastructure businesses where economic regulation, assets, risks, strategy and finance all converge. The sorts of complex advice that might need to all tie together to complete a client project might include...

- Estimation of an incumbents' cost structure so a market entry strategy can be developed.

- Assessment of asset conditions so that projected CapEx can be confirmed as reasonable.

- Analysis of which strategic options a regulatory regime might permit.

- Estimation of the likely impact of debt funding on an acquiror's credit rating.

- Analysis of allowed WACC in recent regulatory determinations.

However to make things a bit easier the following key areas of advice have been identified...

Asset management Economic regulation Financial analysis Market reform
Operational improvement Risk management Strategic studies Structural Regulation
Expert witness Policy analysis Mergers & acquisitions Public safety  

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