As utility assets age and come under increasing regulatory pressure, asset owners will need to have clear long-term plans in place for managing asset condition, costs and service level outcomes across all phases of an assets lifecycle. Deferring or avoiding new CapEx is likely to be a significant aspect of this process.

Utility Consultants can provide asset management advice in the following areas....

Asset management plans

- Preparation of asset management plans.

- Peer reviewing of asset management plans against compliance standards and best applicable practice.

- Auditing of asset management processes.

Asset lifecycle management

- Identification of asset lifecycles.

- Migration of time-based renewal programs to condition-based.

- Development of condition based maintenance strategies.

Capital development planning

- Development of capital development programs.

- Integration of capital development programs into asset management frameworks.

Establishing service levels

- Identifying required service level outcomes.

- Determining asset and process requirements to deliver service level outcomes.

- Resolving conflicting service level requirements.