Utility assets in many sectors are coming under increasing economic regulatory pressure - pressure to deliver increasing service quality whilst holding or even reducing tariffs. As the bow-wave of asset renewals approaches, balancing the potentially conflicting outcomes of service quality, tariff compliance and long-term asset integrity will become increasingly harder.

Utility Consultants can provide regulatory advice in the following areas....

Regulatory regime analysis

- Analysis of legal basis of regulatory regimes.

- Identifying regulatory constraints to growth opportunities.

- Analysis of regulatory issues surrounding acquisition opportunities.

- Advising on the likely impacts of disclosure regimes.

- Advising on the likely impacts of valuation methodologies.

- Advising on the revenue and cost implications of forced industry structural changes.

- Advising on the implications of grid pricing methodologies.

Regulatory regime compliance

- Verification that tariff paths will comply with regulated price paths.

- Performing and managing the customer engagement processes required by the New Zealand regulatory regime.

Regulatory determination analysis

- Analysis and summary of recent regulatory determinations.

- Legal analysis of regulatory determinations.